Film Transfer Pricing

Starting at Just 45 Cents Per Foot for 8mm, Super 8, 16mm, and Super 16

This pricing page is very in-depth. If you are looking for a general overview of our film scanning service, please click here.

With prices starting at just 45 cents per foot, we offer film scanning for just about any budget. If you have 35mm film, please contact us for a quote. For all other types of film, we offer three different packages:

The Access Package

Starting at 45 Cents per Foot, plus a $29.95 one time setup fee

We scan your film frame-by-frame and correct the colors, all in breathtaking 4k quality. These high quality files are delivered to you on a USB flash drive. They can be played on your computer, transferred to your phone or iPad, or played directly on many Smart TVs via your TVs USB port. We also include additional copies in BluRay quality (1080p resolution) and DVD quality (480p resolution). This allows for great compatibility on older computers and devices, or for quickly sharing online with friends and family.

Each reel of film is assigned a numbered sticker that corresponds to a file on the flash drive. For example, if you have five reels of film we will number them 1-5. On the flash drive there will be files numbered 1-5. File 1 corresponds to Reel 1, File 2 is Reel 2, and so on.

The Access Plus Package

Starting at 54 Cents per Foot, Plus a $29.95 One Time Setup Fee

This is our most popular option. You get everything above, plus some resources to help you keep on top of organization.

In addition to the reel and file numbering outlined above, we will include any original titles, notes, dates, or other supplied information into the file names.

Every reel of film will get its own contact sheet. This is a collection of 20 images that represents the contents of the reel. Time stamps are included to allow for easy browsing. It is similar to the idea of a scene selection on a DVD. For example, if you were trying to find a specific clip of grandpa on his motorcycle, you look through the contact sheets and find that it’s in file 19, about 2 minutes in. This is much more efficient than searching through all of your files manually.

Lastly, we include a copy of your film converted to UHD. This improves compatibility with some smart TVs and allows for all of your videos to be in a unified format, as most modern phones and cameras also record in UHD.

The Archive Package

Starting at 72 Cents per Foot, Plus a $29.95 One Time Film Scan Setup Fee and a $99.95 One Time Data Management Fee

Designed for the demanding requirements of long-term preservation, this package is best suited for businesses, organizations, multimedia professionals, and enthusiasts. You get everything above, plus the resources necessary to keep your film accessible for decades to come.

You will receive preservation master video files created to Library of Congress specifications. They are 12-bit ProRes 4444 files, per the Library of Congress Recommended Format Statement. We are also happy to substitute in a different mastering format, if you or your organization has different requirements. Talk to us and we can find a solution for you.

All film reels, boxes, and film cans are photographed in high resolution to preserve any writing, notes, or supplementary documentation.

Full technical metadata is saved along side your files. This allows for the film to be more easily added into your existing cataloging system. We include this data in MediaInfo, XML, JSON, INI, Shell escaped TXT, CSV, and more. Additionally, audio spectrograms are created if your film has sound.

We understand that a pre-made package is not suitable for everyone. If you have special requirements, or just are not sure what package is the best fit for you, please feel free to contact us.

In addition to these packages, we can include extra flash drives for $14.95 each, DVDs for $4.95 each, or audio clean-up for $75/hr of labor.

Please note that if your film has sound, it is an additional 15 cents per foot, regardless of package.

The $99.95 setup fee on the Archive Package is one time across your full project including other formats. For example if you order the Archive Package for film and VHS you are only charged the $99.95 fee once.

If you have 35mm film, please contact us for a quote. If your 35mm film is older than the early 1950s (or you know it to be nitrate based), please notify us in advance as film of that vintage or older can be dangerous to handle.